A Tribute To My Faded Jeans

By Kalpana


Hello Everyone,

Every wardrobe has a pair of faded jeans which is as good as an old companion.  And heart surely bleeds when mom gives away that pair of jeans as a piece of junk.

For every wardrobe’s founder member here’s a small tribute:

You have been my company be it hospital’s corridor or rock concert;

You have walked miles with me be it rocky terrain or a garden of roses;

With you chasing be it goals or bus was easy;

You were my partner in crime in every tryst;

You never let your aging belittle me, more faded you got more beauty you added thus defying the aging process;

It doesn’t matter how many new entrants are there in my cupboard occupying your area, your place in my heart is in tact;

For me it was your value that mattered and was never price;

Now that you left me…

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