Chocolate Covered Anything Day, WOW!

Melanie Sykes in chocolateChocolate, a candy loved by both children and adults alike. But how much can it go on? What edible creations can molten chocolate create? Where in the world are certain chocolate dishes made a favourite staple? Well, in order to find the answers to all those questions, we must do a time hop into the past, for this is the search of the history of Chocolate Covered Everything Day!

History of Chocolate Covered Everything Day
We all know and love the dark and sweet bricks called chocolate, we even melt it down and put on our ice cream! When was this delectable treat created? The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 1900 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. After chocolate’s arrival in Europe from oversea expeditions in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout all of Europe, first among the ruling classes of the European societies, and then among the common people. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described its use more generally.

“Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, wherewith they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that “chilli”; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh”

How to celebrate Chocolate Covered Everything Day
To celebrate the day where we coat everything we can in chocolate, we go out and find an affordable mini chocolate fountain, and then we buy whatever we like to go with our chocolate, take it home and set it up, and then enjoy the chocolate covered foods in the comfort of our own home, enjoying it any time we want! We can also celebrate by buying chocolate syrup, heating it up in a bowl and have a bowl of ice cream with a hot chocolate syrup topping.

PS: I would love to know what is that thing that you wanna dip in chocolate and dig in, I have my own naughty ideas about. 😉

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